The 72 Hour Project Thursday Metro Phone bank


March 21, 2019 at 10:00am - 8pm


NSW Labor Metro Organising Centre
377 Sussex St
Level 1, Suite 9
Sydney, NSW 2000
→ Google map and directions


Alexi Casis · · 0406 664 482

This State Election NSW Labor is launching the 72 Hour Project. On the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday before Election Day volunteers will be calling to the seats around NSW that will make or break this election. This is the final push before voters go to the Polls and our last chance to make the case for a NSW that Puts People First


This election will be won or lost on a razor-thin margin, and we have to make sure we're on the right side of the line. For this to work we will need as many people as possible, engaging in the most effective and powerful form of campaigning Direct Voter Contact. Ever call makes a difference!


Help us deliver free TAFE, fully fund our public schools, make the biggest investment in renewable energy in NSW history, create local jobs, fix local roads and public transport and invest in our nurses, health workers and hospitals.


Can we count on you to join us?

Will you come?