

(02) 9207 2000
1800 503 035
Email [email protected]

9th Floor Labor Council Building,
377 - 383 Sussex St Sydney
Mailing Address

PO Box K408
Haymarket NSW 1240


For any party member who wishes to make a complaint, this will need to be done in accordance with the Complaints Handling Process.

You can receive advice regarding the scope and use of this policy by contacting a Respect Contact Officer.

The contact information for the Respect Contact Officers can be found within the policy here.


General Secretary Dominic Ofner
Assistant General Secretaries

David Dobson
George Simon

Honorary Party Members

President Dr Tricia Kavanagh
Senior Vice President Sandra Doumit
Junior Vice President

Emily Suvaal
Melanie Gatfield


State Branches

Australian Labor comprises branches in each State and Territory of the Commonwealth of Australia.

You can become involved in your local State or Territory Branch by using any of the links below. You can also apply to join the NSW branch of the Labor Party here.