Finance Sector Union Pay Transparency Workshop

There’s been little success in reducing the gender pay gap in Australia over the last 20 years, despite employers taking various steps to become “employers of choice for gender equality”. One of the things that makes it difficult to reduce the gap is the cultural expectation that we shouldn’t talk about pay and that having discussions about money are somehow rude or imprudent. The ALP made a commitment during the election campaign to outlaw pay confidentiality clauses in employment contracts, but nothing will change until we normalise having conversations about pay. Come along to this session to brainstorm how we can go about overcoming this reluctance to talk about pay, and have a go testing out some of the tools developed by the FSU to help start the conversation and reduce the gender pay gap.

When: Saturday 15th October, 11:45am – 12:30pm
Where: Lower Town Hall 1


Angela Budai

Angela is the Finance Sector Union’s National Policy Officer. Angela has worked  in the union movement for over 20 years and has experience as an organiser and campaigner as well as in negotiating enterprise agreements across the industry. Angela has had primary responsibility for developing and implementing the FSU’s Women’s Agenda for over 5 years. Angela lives and works in the Darramuragal lands of the Eora nation.